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Senpai Kouhai

Have you ever heard two Japanese words "senpai" and "kouhai" ?

Japanese society emphasizes hierarchical relationships in almost every situation, and it's a little more severe than Western society. This is one of a difference between Japanese and Western.

So, what "senpai" and "kouhai" mean ? I think there are no compatible English words, but maybe simply translated as senior and junior, or elder and younger.

Let's asuume you are a 25 year old business man. You have two co-workers whose names are Hiroki and Ryo. Hiroki is 35 years old and Ryo is 23 years old. In this case, Hiroki is your "senpai" and Ryo is your "kouhai", even though everyone have the same position.

In Japanese society, seniority-based status relathionships is significant, so most Japanese young children is taught by their parants that respect older people is important. 

This system is sometimes troublesome, but this is Japan. I think it's one of a reason why it is said that Japanese people are polite and kind.

My English is not good but hope you understand.

Thanks !

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